The Importance of Integration

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[Photo Credit: Debora Pilati Unsplash]

Your business is running full steam ahead, faster than you can maintain. Operations is executing on product development. Procurement is gathering your raw materials. HR is managing C&B. Marketing has their hands in brand and digital marketing.

As an executive, you receive disparate messages and updates from department leaders, but you’re unable to connect the dots about the big picture. So where do you take your business? Do you invest in that ERP now or later? Should you work with a third party vendor to add AI to your product?

Sound familiar? In these fast-paced times, it’s difficult to make decisions based on the overwhelming volume of data and information that is coming our way. Making effective and impactful decisions is a core part of the work of an executive, and yet analysis paralysis can hit at any moment when we’re staring at a Facebook campaign, wondering if and how it’s impacting our bottom line.

And this is why, folks, we need integration. But integrating what exactly?

At Tillerman, we focus on integrating data and operations, whether you’re starting out your business or moving toward digital transformation. To truly connect the dots, you must have data that is clean and can be interpreted into insights, otherwise you’re just left with a bunch of meaningless numbers and files. You’ll have the data, but you’ll be far from data-driven.

So how do you want to grow your business? For some, templates and out-of-the-box solutions are the way to go since it’s enough structure to get your organization aligned. But for most, a tailored and unique approach to business intelligence and application, along with a culture of continuous improvement, is the path toward operational success. Data-driven growth is both an action and a mindset. Are you able to adopt these changes in your organization?

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